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2024 유러피언컵 실시간 점수 예측始建于1923年,是一所具有爱国主义光荣传统、学科结构完善、学术实力雄厚、在技术创新与国际化办学方面具有鲜明特色的教育部直属重点高校,是国家首批“211工程”“985工程”重点建设的高水平大学,2017年经国务院批准,进入一流大学建设高校行列。在近一个世纪的办学历程中,2024 유러피언컵 실시간 점수 예측始终坚持与国家发展和民族复兴同向同行,为国家和社会培养各类优秀人才,在国民经济建设中做出了重要贡献。

2024 유러피언컵 실시간 점수 예측秦皇岛分校是2024 유러피언컵 실시간 점수 예측的重要组成部分,现有全日制统招在校本科生10400人、博士/硕士研究生1200余人。学校学科门类涵盖工学、理学、经济学、管理学、文学,秉承“同一家园、同一梦想、一同奋斗、一同分享”的理念,共享2024 유러피언컵 실시간 점수 예측大团队、大项目、大平台资源,积极承担“211工程”“985工程”重点建设项目,主动融入2024 유러피언컵 실시간 점수 예측一流大学建设与国际化发展,切实引入国际先进教育理念和优质教育资源,先后与澳大利亚悉尼科技大学、美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校、英国邓迪大学等20余近30所世界知名高校开展合作,为学生提供国家公派、联合培养、交换学习、短期交流、海外实习等海外交流项目60余项,常年聘请外籍教师和海外知名专家学者来校讲学。2020年,经教育部批复,2024 유러피언컵 실시간 점수 예측与悉尼科技大学联合设立中外合作办学机构——2024 유러피언컵 실시간 점수 예측正式成立,办学地点设在2024 유러피언컵 실시간 점수 예측秦皇岛分校,现面向全国20个省市招生。

About NEU

Founded in 1923, Northeastern University (NEU) is one of the national key universities under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education. It is featured by glorious patriotic tradition, sound discipline structure, academic excellence and distinctive characteristics in technological innovation and international teaching pattern. As one of the first batch of “Project 211” and “Project 985”, NEU has participated in the building of first-class universities under the approval of the State Council in 2017. In its development of nearly a century, NEU, by keeping pace with the trend of national development and rejuvenation, has cultivated various kinds of excellent talents for the country and the society, and has made great contributions to the national economic and social development.

Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao (NEUQ), a component of NEU, has 10400 full-time undergraduate students and 1200 graduate or doctoral students. NEUQ offers degree programs in 5 major fields, including engineering, science, economics, management, and literature. Adhering to the concept of “One family, one dream; Strive together, share with each other”, NEUQ, benefiting from NEU’s resources ranging from scientific research teams, projects and platforms, vigorously undertakes the key programs of “211 project” and “985 project”. It integrates itself into the building of the world-class university of NEU and the pace of globalisation by introducing international advanced educational concepts and high-quality educational resources. Besides, it has already entered into cooperative relationship with more than 20 well-known universities around the world, including University of Technology Sydney, University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Dundee, etc. Students may have access to 60 overseas study projects, such as government-funded overseas study, joint training, exchange study, short-term exchange visits and overseas internships. In addition, overseas well-known experts and scholars are frequently invited to deliver lectures to our teachers and students. Approved by the Ministry of Education in 2020, Sydney Smart Technology College, Northeastern University, was established in Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao. It is a Chinese-Foreign school cooperatively run by Northeastern University and University of Technology Sydney. Our enrollment is open to 20 provinces and municipalities in China.

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